Sangita, a brick kiln worker and her elderly donkey, Shali. Sangita’s donkeys were suffering from colic and tetanus before Sangita started working with Brooke India. “Now we know about the importance of vaccines and medicines to stop our donkeys from suffering.”

Imagine working in the pounding heat of a brick kiln in India; where temperatures soar in excess of 110°F and rest only happens after the day’s brick quota is met. The stoic equines—horses, donkeys, and mules—labor on uneven ground under the weight of heavy bricks, their bodies pushed to the brink in an industry beneath the gaze of the world’s eyes.

These animals, like Shali pictured above, are a lifeline for their owners. One donkey can work enough to support a family of six, but life in the brick kilns are marred by pain and premature death. The challenges they face are daunting: extreme temperatures, overloading, and lack of basic necessities such as shade, water, and feed.

In these hidden corners of the world, exploitation is rampant, not just of the animals but of the men, women, and even children who toil alongside them. Overworking and underfeeding is distressingly common, as families desperate to maximize earnings in a seasonal industry push their animals—and themselves—past breaking points.

But there is hope, and that hope begins with you

Imagine a world where every working animal receives the care and respect, they deserve, and every family relying on them thrives with dignity and hope. Community leaders learn skills like wound care and best animal handling methods. Women, often disempowered, are organized to learn income generating opportunities and taught new skills to provide for their animals and families. Equines are visited regularly by veterinarians, farriers and field assistants who advise on best practices for animal health while administering vaccinations and welfare checks.

This world is not just a dream—It’s why you support Brooke USA!

In fact, it’s your support that has allowed us to reach our 10 Year Anniversary this year. And what better way to celebrate this milestone anniversary than by launching Brooke USA’s most ambitious project yet. We call it Brick Kilns 360°!

A 360° approach starts by building bonds within the community while providing emergency treatments and teaching animal welfare basics. We nurture and strengthen the skills of community members by starting Equine Welfare Groups (EWGs). EWGs bring women with entrepreneurial spirit together to teach them income-generating skills, like making saddle pads and growing fodder. Through these combined efforts, we don’t just treat animals in need. Instead, we empower the community to take ownership of their equine’s welfare while giving them the training to do so. On a national level, we advocate for working equines calling for their inclusion in governmental Livestock Policies that have previously omitted equines from animal welfare legislation.

Please show you care for these animals as they toil to build the world, brick by brick, by donating today to help us reach our anniversary goal of $70,000.

With your support, we can reach 4,500 working horses, donkeys, mules, and 9,700 brick kiln laborers and their families. The ripple effect of your gift is immense, touching not only the lives of these animals but also empowering families, fostering economic resilience, and nurturing community growth for future generations. I’ll be sharing progress reports with you – every step of the way. As a working equine champion, your generosity has already been the catalyst for change, and we are deeply grateful. Today, we ask you to join us once more to bring vital services to an industry that exists outside basic welfare standards. Together, we can alleviate distress and create lasting, positive changes for impoverished brick kiln workers and their loyal, but suffering horses, donkeys, and mules.